
Modern Methods of Company Valuation

Advanced maybe a lost investment opportunity for you now. Some investors who valued it well in the late 1990s, are now stacking riches! Had you invested $1,000 in it back then, you would have approximately $218,793.08 today. Well, there are many loss making companies in the market these days. 😏 All you need, is to identify whether the negative earnings or losses are for a short term or permanent. Slay the market by determining which company might take the leap to fortunes and gain a blue chip status. 💪

3 Modules

2.5 Hrs.


Course Outline

Get a grasp of vital valuation techniques of: 

  • Loss-making companies: Know whether to save yourself from a company or invest in it because its fortunes might skyrocket!

  • Holding companies:  Value one to know all! Analyzing a holding company can help you judge all its subsidiaries too. 

  • Startups: With the current jaha soch waha Startup trend, you shouldn’t miss out on investment opportunities. Learn it all with the practical valuation of sabki pasand Zomato.

About Course

Are you of the opinion that one should invest only in profit-making companies? What if you invest in a profitable one now, and it starts to make soaring losses?

Had you invested in Amazon in the 1990s when it was making huge losses, it’s easy to fathom what you’d be by now. (Ans: super-rich 🤑)

But as they say, it’s never too late! With so many up-and-coming startups and companies, your chances of bagging a multi-bagger are high as a giraffe!

The most important attribute is how well you know the nuts and bolts of a company! A sound investor can foresee the future to decide whether to invest or not.

The best way to go about it is to determine the real value of a company vs its current share price. 

It’s not as complex as it sounds, though! If you want to become a fully independent investor with deep valuation methods, this course is for you.

Who this course is for:

  • Course is perfect for the Beginner or Newer Investor who wants to learn all the key practical aspects when investing in stocks as they will become an expert by the end of the course
  • Excellent for more experienced investors who want to improve their skills, learn new insights, or gain more confidence when it comes to investing in stocks
  • Investors want to learn how to value loss making companies.

What you will get?





Course Syllabus

  • How to Value Loss making Companies?
  • How to value Holding companies?
  • How to value a start-up?


Need answers? Find them here

Specially tailored for the newbies in the domain, there are no prerequisites for this course.

This course falls under the marathon category and can be completed in a duration of 3 hrs.

All about Modern Techniques of Valuation, How to value loss making companies, How are holding companies valued, How to value start-ups. 

No, you do not need to install any specific software for this course. However, it is advised for a user to have an active Internet connection and an updated web browser for a seamless learning experience.

Finology provides you with an opportunity to access all its tools and courses by subscribing to Finology One. Hence, you can access this course as long as your subscription of Finology One is active.

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About Finology Quest

Quest is a 101 guide for anyone who wants to learn investing. The aim of these online finance courses is to make people financially literate and to make them understand the essential financial concepts and learn company analysis, so that one can know how to create & grow their wealth in the stock market.

Why choose Quest?

Quest will make you aware about investing and the secret to growing wealth. As against popular opinion, you do not always need to earn more money to be rich. In fact, financial awareness is the key to wealth creation & Quest will help you to make this journey simpler. The courses in Quest are easy to understand and explained using close-to-reality scenarios which makes learning fun and relatable. Plus, you can access it anytime and anywhere on the go, which is a cherry on the top!

For whom the Quest is?

Quest is for anybody who wants to enjoy learning finance and investing on the go. The aim of Quest is to make people financially aware. So, if you are someone making your babysteps into the markets, look no further. From personal finance to investing, Quest is your one-stop platform for almost everything finance!


The companies discussed on this website are solely for educational purposes and should not be construed as investment advice. We may or may not hold positions in any or all of these companies. However, these aren't recommendations and hence, we held no responsibility for any consequences of investment actions based on these videos.

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